Friday, May 21, 2010, ϟ 0 shout(s)
Today lesson as usual. Get back math and science paper le. During chinese lesson, teacher let us see 1 video. I see until i cry. ): Hais... Poor think sia. But still got other people cry. Kekeke.
During ME lesson, having alot of fun, espically those guys, are totally crazy and high man! They dance lion dance and they jump on top of the table. Kekeke. :D I at there take video. Kekeke. :D SIAO!
After school, quite pek cek, because we waste half an hour to think of going where. So at last we go taman. So took 98M and go taman mac and eat. Mingjun and ivan went to 500+ there and do psp screen. So me, sandra, chewyun, mingkiat and teck cheng, went to taman mac. So went there and eat. Awhile later, mingjun and ivan come and meet us le. After that, went outside. I asked the guys want to go where, and they didnt reply me. Ignore me. Than 1 time, i totally angry and very pekcek. I cried and ask them where u guys want go. While waiting for jingming. So actually they say want go back mac. But chewyun stomach pain. So we go under block there and seat. After that, shun bian went to find hubby. Find him awhile than went to find friend. So went to fitness corner there and wait for jingming. While waiting, talk and play with friends. Awhile jingming come le. So after that, they say want go super bowl there and find michelle. So chewyun and i lazy walk until there. + that naughty jingming, went to make chewyun cry. Ahhhh. Me went to comfort her. After that, they went to super bowl. I went to scoccer court there and find hubby. Chat with him awhile, they go super bowl than hubby send me there. (: Hubby make me angry and sad when i find him just now. I almost cry. ): But hubby comfort me. So after finding michelle, chat chat awhile. About 4+pm, went home le. Went to find hubby. Hubby accompany me walked home. Reached home, shower. After that, hubby send me home to bedok. Than he went to meet friend at safra.
Hais... So sian tomorrow, still must wake up so early and go for check up. D: Lazy sia me. ):
I miss hubby alot! I want see him now! Love him alot! :D
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